2.3.2 Prerelease 15
- Various changes to Library Artists
- Library Artists now uses the same rich media item grid as Library Albums
- Fixed search and brought up to the same standard as Library Albums and Library Songs
- Artists now have their rating displayed
- Artist radios can now be started from the artist page
- Rich Album Grid changes
- Added favorite status to album details
- Albums are now cached for faster loading
- Adjusted breakpoints
- Improved visuals
- Experimental: Mini Player single-line lyrics
- Right click the lyrics icon in the mini player to enable while it is in the Square mode
- On client search now supports accented characters
- Example:
The Marías
can now be found by searchingthe marias
or any other variation
- Example:
- Added some caching options under General -> Caching
- Added option to cache Library Albums
- Added option to cache Artist Chips
- Relocated Updates to underneath the Settings option from the main menu
- Fixed bug where switching between Queue and History directly would not work
2.3.2 Prerelease 13 / 14
Quick patch for PR12 that addresses the following issues:
- Fixed tracks list not overflowing correctly and getting cut off
- Ongoing WIP adjustments to how the grid flow is calculated
- When the height of the window is too small, the scroll position will default to the bottom of the shelf content
2.3.2 Prerelease 12
- New: Library Albums page now features a richer view of the albums in your library
- Album content is now displayed inline underneath their cover art when you click on an albums artwork
- Improved scrolling performance
- Updated some parts of the album page to match library songs style
- Navigating back to the library albums page will now resume at the same scroll position
- Note: Depending on when you added the album to your library, some albums may not have fully colorized content
- Added Tweak: Rich Album View -> Scroll To Position
- Options: Top or Bottom
- Bottom may be preferred if you generally use smaller window heights or have a smaller screen
2.3.2 Prerelease 10
- Added: Immersive will now start in fullscreen when holding shift while clicking the icon
- Added: Favorites Only filter to Library Albums
- Added: Implementing code for upcoming Cider Marketplace (Themes)
- Fix: More adjustments to Favorites code
- Fix: Various adjustments to Cider Remote/Connect relay
- Fix: Added scrolling to AirPlay connection panel
- Fix: Adjustments and optimizations to Media Item Properties panel
- Fix: Fixed previews on Suggested Songs and Playlist editor being too loud
- Fix: Fixes window controls being visible in fullscreen
2.3.2 Prerelease 8 / 9
- Fixes issues related to favorites in last prerelease
- Fixes Add to Library on favorite not having any effect
- Apple Music API requests are now handled with our own API fetching function instead of MusicKit
2.3.2 Prerelease 7
- The Bug Report button now automatically send build details
- Added Copy Build Info on About page
- Changes to how favorites are fetched on playlist/albums
- Immersive menus now affect the whole menu
- Changes related to upcoming Cider Remote improvements
- Some partial sourcemaps are now shipped in updates to help with troubleshooting issues
- This means that the DevTools console will now show where console messages and errors are located in the source code.
- Autoplay icon in queue now only shows when it is available
2.3.2 Prerelease 6
- Fixes Charts brick on Search landing page
- Several changes to ratings / favorites implementation
- Various changes related to upcoming Cider Remote improvements
2.3.2 Prerelease 5
- Added Saturation and Contrast ratio controls to Immersive
- Repurposed "Set Max Brightness" to "Adjust Visuals"
- Fixed Immersive visuals looking too flat due to some scaling values not being adjusted correctly
- Fixed volume bar not being visually affected by RPC
- Fixed inLibrary and isFavorited in WS RPC being flipped
- Fixes autoplay state between sessions
- Changed left sidebar max width to 360
- Fixed LastFM on Windows auth not working without first enabling RPC server
2.3.2 Prerelease 4
- Added new built-in font "Figtree"
- Added General -> Prompt on close when music is playing
- Improved sidebar drawer when app is in small portrait mode
- Changed Immersive menu styling and item organization
- Discord RPC details are state are now truncated to 128 characters to meet restrictions
- Fixed the (X) clear button on playlist track search box not clearing
- Search box on library songs is now a toggleable button that automatically focuses the input when it's shown
- Slightly adjusted progress bar colors
2.3.2 Prerelease 3
- Artist feed page when clicking on the Your Artist Feed text in Home (WIP)
- Fixed favorites not working when AMFetch is enabled
- Updated dependancies
- Improved Media Item grid responsive appearance, some examples are Rooms, Recently Added, Albums.
- Added Visual -> Content Preferences -> Hide Hero Items on Browse
- Added Visual -> Content Preferences -> Move "More To See" links on Browse to top
- Fixed animated artwork not playing on Artist pages
- Fixed artist artwork being distorted when the artist does not have a Hero or Video artwork
- Improved Artist page loading code
2.3.2 Prerelease 2
- New unified styling class for titles with badges (like explicit)
- Library songs now shows explicit
- Various styling consistancy improvements
- Expanding sidebar items have their expansion target moved to the right
- Added "Show in Apple Music" and "Show in Now Playing" to the now playing and queue context menu
- Fixes issue where selected update branch notification preference wouldn't save properly
2.3.2 Prerelease 1
- Revamped What's New panel
- The What's New dialog has been improved to show the biggest changes in the latest version of Cider at a glance.
- Fixed an issue where ThemeKit themes could not use
rules. - Playback notifications now close automatically after 5 seconds.
- New Experiment: New Queue List
- Replaces the current queue with a new, more powerful queue list. Featuring multi-selection and a new UI.
- "Prereleases" is now available as an option for "Get notifications for branch" in Updates
- Improved prerelease update notifications, they now take priority over stable updates until the newer stable version is released.